sell cat_200字
分類:初二作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
sell cat 標籤:hello作文 myself作文 football作文 fall作文
Sell cat
A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and founf blue bowl which looked very old.The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer,the owner of the cat,was lying beside beside the bowl. So he said to him ,“What a nice cat you have ! Will you sell it to me?”
The farmer asked,“How much will you give me for the money?”
“Twenty dollars .Would that be enough?”
The farmer thought for a few minutes,then he agreed.After he paid the farmer .the man said"My cat will certainly feel thirsty.May I take the bowl so that the cat can drink with it?"But the farmer said "I am sorry .I can"t give you the bowl .Thanks to the bowl,I have sold twenty cats already"
sell cat 作文推薦:

- ·hello goodbye an900字
- ·selbstvorstellun100字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·rebir in the fal600字
- ·“all is well!”——600字
- ·yellowoverall(pa336字
- ·poeticallymandwe100字
- ·thefourseasons,i100字
- ·the fighting s200字
- ·hellangel(墮落到地獄的500字
- ·angelwillgosehom2000字
- ·moon,pleasetelly800字
- ·please tell me300字
- ·litter duck sell350字
- ·how to write chi200字
- ·sellingandboy(1)100字
- ·please tell me700字
- ·sell cat200字
- ·ibelievemyself.500字
- ·icouldnotmakemys500字
- ·believeinyoursel300字
- ·初一英語作文:believein200字
- ·how to relax mys150字
- ·beliveyouself200字
- ·helping those pe200字
- ·find the cause f300字
- ·sea sea sea!300字
- ·sallyandbillyoft300字
- ·myfamilyalllikew100字
- ·mybasketballlife600字
- ·最愛我的那個人500字
- ·蓮500字
- ·生活隨感350字
- ·初一,眨眼逝去600字
- ·晚會拉琴1100字
- ·成長600字
- ·水600字
- ·王櫟鑫和俞灝明1300字
- ·在路上,人生永遠在路上900字
- ·江繁明,你少拽!第18章900字
- ·贊松700字
- ·人生感言700字
- ·我的2017600字
- ·傷感的秋1100字
- ·沒必要1100字
- ·小狗的故事作文 感悟平凡作文
- ·純潔的心作文 庭院作文
- ·我與書作文 詩詞作文
- ·解答作文 遊子吟作文
- ·桑田作文 計劃書作文
- ·美麗的季節作文
- ·在沒有大人的世界里作文
- ·水滴歷險記作文
- ·打雪仗作文500字
- ·一張照片的回憶作文
- ·童年回憶作文
- ·出走作文500字 浪花作文600字
- ·愛護環境作文150字 寶石花作文300字
- ·望着作文700字 家鄉的冬天作文350字
- ·奧運在我心作文300字 註定作文400字
- ·我最喜愛的一本書作文700字 豬八戒減肥作文
- ·回不去作文500字