分類:初三作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
There are a lot of animals. They live with us politely. We share the blue sky, the clean water , the colourful enviroment together. We share one land , one earth and one world .
In our city. We can find many different kinds of animals like cats , dogs, birds and so on. Some of them are still wild , others become our friends.
Do you have a pet ? I”ve got fifteen lovely goldfish. When i feed them. They must be excited, swim around and notice you drooly that make you laugh. I Think it”s very interesting to live with pets.
As we all known. The number of wild animals is being smaller and smaller. I want to protect them. So i always raise money for homeless animals.I think if we all kind to animals. The world must be more beautiful and pleased!

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