分類:初三作文 字數:2200字 編輯:得得9
The first time feel headache, fatigue, he thought of medical. Most of the short-term Chinese here, nothing serious never find a doctor. What”s wrong with that, with that standing drugs will solve the problem here for medical system not familiar with a strange disease, the trouble. I always want to experience the American medical service, so he booked a Emory affiliated hospital of family doctors.
EMORY HOSPITAL in downtown CRAWFORD mutually, striking a tall building, the roof made brand, the subway station is seen. I arrived at the hospital 30 minutes earlier than in the hall, customer advice on the elevator, across the hall has been decorated Christmas tree, and see some coffee cake, don”t like a hospital. On the 11th floor, according to the office door, like the instructions to the office in the office, a door has a doctor”s name brand, all the doors were shut, and silently, I knocked at the door, no response, is to make a phone call to ask someone opened the door, originally the inside is waiting area. Enter, first registration, nurses from the window tables to find a sofa, sit down form.
All information to fill in the domestic hospital of hospital, many patients with the id number can”t provide, not to mention the accuracy of the information. Remember when interns, patients after discharge records of the page, will often much about fill a sucks, but the hospital expenses are closed, don”t like here, hospitals and insurers.
The waiting room and family, a sofa and a television broadcasts health mission slice softly. A nurse from an inside push door that person, more than an appointment for about 15 minutes late, call me. First, the nurse brought my weight to a room, let me lay in a chair, a one-time mat, asked me to see the doctor this time, what is the main reason is that we "complaint cases, then give me," blood pressure, let me come in here, I will waiting for the doctor to lay to rest. The room is not big, the left side of a wall chart, cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease is on the right side wall a shelf, a lot of free health brochures, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies, insomnia, obesity... America is common. The opposite wall is a painting, painting and under two chairs in a corner of the mirror and wash one”s hands. Wallpaper designs are good-looking!
After ten minutes, someone knock gently, recently is a young male doctors, very pretty clothes and relaxed scraping the inclined stripe tie, very clear blue eyes. Greetings, start by very carefully, including meals diet and lifestyle. Ask and records. Suddenly, he said, your English is very good, I said thank you, he said, I am not really so very easy communication. I said I also studied medicine, he asks, do you feel headache in what will be the reason? Chat, then do the conventional medical examination. Let me rest, Dr. Glenn moment.
All information to fill in the domestic hospital of hospital, many patients with the id number can”t provide, not to mention the accuracy of the information.She let me sit down, and I talked up, work and life style, the boss easy-going, after work. What do not sleep how, have friends here, long time to call the family, I have a special anxiety things... She felt great pressure and I need the 90/10 principle, relaxation and rest, still need to do something interesting. The whole process, young doctors are standing there, I don”t understand, he explained or remind, I talk to polite in process can sometimes turn to see him, he smiled and nodded.
Finally, let me go to make an inspection blood test lab (that) in a site.
The nurse brought a list gives me, write the inspection of the room number, laboratory in the same building, also closed door, outside quietness, push the door to register, sit down, etc. This is a call Labcorp company, I think it is the company of laboratory project, the hospital is not like our every hospital set up their own laboratory, America is not only the medical centre estimates, medicine, nor a medical. Professional things make professional company and professionals to do, this is a kind of very good resource integration and utilization, and put an end to many problems, not involved in hospital management and more simple.
Progressive form, after a while, call my name, nurse, let me into the second hand, she will come later, I”m afraid she didn”t know so complex name, I worried about americans in this rigorous level (had the similar experience), and confirm the name Mr.. Haven”t I incredibly dare hemospasia, hehe! After she asked again First. I need to ask themselves with report? No, there will be sent to the doctor.
The whole process two and a half hours, long enough, indeed, here”s the doctor very calm. Because of the health insurance and medical treatment system, so that the system is easy to operation. Booking need to wait for several days, some doctors time longer. If there is an emergency situation, the cost is higher, emergency, if not anxious, pti found waiting, some still will be refused to accept it.
Compared with our country, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, the doctor”s income, the status of Chinese higher than many, many times also high medical costs. As we see with convenient, and you want to know, need to wait until the next test results of the doctor, I wonder if it all doctors. If there is no medical insurance, basically be looked sick. Read a documentary, in the United States, also have a lot of work, no insurance, such patients, the majority of doctors is not acceptable, family simply can”t afford the high medical costs, although there are all sorts of fund, can help a person who has difficulty, but also is a drop in the bucket. Of course, the population of the United States and China have no medical insurance, one-third of the population. China is now carrying out a reform of the medical treatment, do not know how to policymakers will. Why our health care system, the doctor does not satisfied, patients are not satisfied, hospitals have complaints, the government”s financial burden is heavy, medical resources waste and repeated very badly. So how do not please painfully everywhere condition of social harmony can make?
KuiBaoYiBan, said some experiences.
Reform and opening-up, economic development, good, Inevitably, highlights the contradictions, Now is the time to solve these problems, the negative spywares! I wish this can make people”s satisfaction, medical advances, there can at least augean clean-up hedge-fund!
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