分類:初一作文 字數:300字 編輯:pp958
myhometown 標籤:hometown作文 myhome作文 my home作文 home作文
My hometown
Hello,every one my name is Ouyangzhengye. I”m going to show
you aroud my hometown. My hometown is a small city .But it is
beautifui and quiet.
There is a Walk Street in my town .There are lots of shops in
this street .My favourite shopping mall is Su Guo Shopping Mall.There
are some restaurants on the first floor and there is lots of
delicious food there .There are lots of shops on the second floor .
You can do some shops here and it”s a good place to meet friends.
Our town also has a People”s Park .There are lots of flowers
and trees in the park.We like boating there.People”s Park is a
good place to go .
I love my hometown.
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