分類:初一作文 字數:100字 編輯:pp958
myvacationplans! 標籤:mypenpal作文 seasons作文 cosplay作文 penpal作文
I”m a student.I”m planning to going to the Hong Kong.I heard that place is a very beautiful,and I know there are many people there who speak chinese.
I”m leaving the next week and until next Monday. I plan to have a very relaxing vacation.I”m taking walks,going fishing,and going bike riding.I”m planning to spend time in the beautiful country.I love country.I hope i can forget all my problems! At night,I”m renting videos and sleeping a lot......A great vacation!I can”t wait!!
myvacationplans! 作文推薦:

myvacationplans! 暫無評論
- ·myvacationplans!100字
- ·myvacationplans100字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·myvacationplan200字
- ·myviewonschoolun200字
- ·lāo叨和l叨200字
- ·my vacation plan200字
- ·my summer plans100字
- ·changesinpeople”100字
- ·playinpark400字
- ·jimlambert’svaca200字
- ·vavationplan100字
- ·thejinshanpark(隨200字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·it`sthatsimplepl100字
- ·peopleandplace200字
- ·feelings on play400字
- ·acrimsonsensatio1700字
- ·nopains,nogains200字
- ·sunshineΦsunshin1000字
- ·ilovemyfamilyver100字
- ·myviewonfriends100字
- ·myvampirefriend(700字
- ·myvampirefriend(1300字
- ·myvampirefriend(1200字
- ·myvampirefriend(1100字
- ·myvampirefriend(1500字
- ·myvampirefriend(1300字
- ·myvampirefriend(1200字
- ·祖國生日1200字
- ·生命700字
- ·新700字
- ·致糰子【一】350字
- ·亂&了200字
- ·我想用心溫暖你1700字
- ·日記100字
- ·葉的奉獻500字
- ·開學第七天450字
- ·候車亭400字
- ·候車400字
- ·我的弟弟500字
- ·我的弟弟350字
- ·我的弟弟350字
- ·我的弟弟200字
- ·鬱金香作文 在公交車上作文
- ·成長故事作文 年後作文
- ·白玉蘭作文 人有情作文
- ·畫面作文 快樂的教師節作文
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- ·快樂時刻作文
- ·《巴黎聖母院》讀後感
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- ·雞公山作文
- ·快樂的秋天作文
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- ·鄉村生活作文 岳飛作文
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- ·我是女生作文400字