what can we do for the environment?_250字
分類:初三作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
what can we do for the environment? 標籤:thedog作文 mybrother作文 weather作文 introduce作文
Hello everyone, I am Li Hua.It is nice to talk about what we can do for the environment, and I think each of us can play a part in keeping our planet clean.
First we'd better use cloth bags instead of plastic ones while shopping,which is a good way to reduce pollution, especially the white pollution caused by plastic bags.
Second old textbooks should be reduced as much as possible to save paper. As we know, fewer trees need to be cut down if we can save more paper.
Third, to save energy, turn off the lights when you leave your classrooms. Next, air pollution is also serious in our life, so try to ride bikes or walk to work rather than cars for a short journey.
what can we do for the environment? 作文推薦:

what can we do for the environment? 暫無評論
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