分類:初一作文 字數:300字 編輯:pp958
Dear Tommy:
I want to tell you something about my hometown.
Zhangjiagang is my hometown.It is in the north of Suzhou.It is about 70 km fome the centre of Suzhou.But it is a good place to live.You can do a lot of things here.Like visiting the local museum,going shopping in Guoji Shopping Mall and jogging in the park in the morning and so on.
I live in a flat and my flat is to the south of Shopping Park.There is a big garden in front of my flat.It is full of flowers and grass.Every day,I can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing at home in the morning.My family often chat on the balcony.My father drives me to school every day.
It is easy to come to my home.Exit from Shopping Park West.Go along Baiqiao Road and take the first crossing on the right.Then cross the road,and you will see the building on yoir left.I live on the ninth floor.
Welcome to Suzhou!Welcome to my home!
Best wishes!
zhangjiagang 作文推薦:

- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·zhangjiagang300字
- ·zhangjiamin400字
- ·...longlongjourn800字
- ·guojingjing100字
- ·hangdidexingzhua800字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·zhangyang who a 200字
- ·i love you zhuji150字
- ·visiting guangzh400字
- ·feng zheng250字
- ·寫給hmnwgjhlbt、靜夜和300字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·冰心之戀zhuangbility300字
- ·atriptozhongshan300字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·ilikeguangzhou100字
- ·fenhongxiliezhi山400字
- ·zhengyi自傳700字
- ·lizhenxiongmei900字
- ·seans in hanzhon150字
- ·zhongqiu700字
- ·welcome to guang250字
- ·hang zhou300字
- ·hangzhouzoo100字
- ·zhaoqingcity100字
- ·mynameishuangmoz100字
- ·guangzhou150字
- ·i come from zhej150字
- ·guangzhou100字
- ·遠足之行有感1400字
- ·成績有那麼重要嗎?600字
- ·thedisadvantages200字
- ·幻魔(4)400字
- ·me150字
- ·快樂與幸福100字
- ·在讀書中成長500字
- ·夢望“故鄉”400字
- ·感受600字
- ·梅100字
- ·我的小白兔600字
- ·一個漂亮的姐姐200字
- ·達致娜侯賽因500字
- ·瘋狂小子(1)700字
- ·回憶200字
- ·改革開放三十年作文 感師恩作文
- ·打籃球作文 經歷挫折作文
- ·我的勞動節作文 小辣椒作文
- ·綠色網絡作文 奧運作文
- ·我推薦的一本書作文 情義作文
- ·吸引力作文
- ·復興之路觀后感
- ·做元宵作文
- ·惹得禍作文
- ·天下第一作文
- ·游天壇作文
- ·男孩作文900字 環保建議書作文400字
- ·小議作文300字 淚流滿面作文800字
- ·心燈作文500字 老師作文300字
- ·假如我是語文老師作文500字 彭州作文
- ·無知作文500字 薰衣草作文900字
- ·提琴作文300字