zhangyang who a reporter_200字
分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
zhangyang who a reporter 標籤:who作文 forever作文 remember作文 computer作文
ZhangYang was a reporter in China last year.Start,he eagered to go out on a story by himslef.But hia.boss let him make a has very big experience asssistant.And let him learn from other reporters how to do it.Later,he was hard work in reporte.Finally,him had a cover a story chance.It is reported that has a boss give some money money to a chief.He was concentrate on this work in order to don't get the wrong wbs of the stick.He interviewed many peoplw.At this.moment,zhangYang imform that someone accused his reporte of doesn't accurate.
He was thought doubt that his feporte's accurate.Zhamgyamg made hia.mind on defending against thia accused.
zhangyang who a reporter 作文推薦:
zhangyang who a reporter 暫無評論相關作文
- ·zhangyang who a 200字
- ·who-who-who1200字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·book report of s400字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·bookreportondavi500字
- ·listening is mor350字
- ·a repoter250字
- ·better ecology, 1000字
- ·to spread positi200字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·this letter of m400字
- ·letter of apolog500字
- ·letter of apolog500字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·fighter,fighter,900字
- ·myreportcard200字
- ·myreportcard400字
- ·thenewsreport電視節300字
- ·report card350字
- ·book report350字
- ·reportcard300字
- ·jmplabstatsrepor200字
- ·statsreport。400字
- ·report about mot200字
- ·myreportcard300字
- ·zhengyi自傳700字
- ·wherethereis(有志者200字
- ·who moved my che150字
- ·周星馳,我們的星爺300字
- ·如果有來生,還讓我遇見你350字
- ·雙生水果1000字
- ·我發現了春姑娘400字
- ·心中的歌900字
- ·心中的歌500字
- ·心中的歌200字
- ·我心中的歌700字
- ·我心中的歌600字
- ·我心中的歌400字
- ·我心中的歌400字
- ·我心中的歌1000字
- ·留在我心中的歌700字
- ·老師,心中的歌獻給您300字
- ·美麗的春景作文 歲末作文
- ·讀春作文 記一次有意義的活動作文
- ·地圖作文 風浪作文
- ·念外公作文 我發明的機器作文
- ·我心中的綠色作文 讚美小草作文
- ·狼道作文
- ·二胡作文
- ·鏡子里的我作文
- ·復興中華,從我做起作文
- ·海軍作文
- ·給祖國的一封信作文
- ·對比作文 冬天裡作文
- ·充實作文400字 冬天的景色作文
- ·運動員作文 曾經的我作文
- ·抗震救災作文800字 父親的背作文800字
- ·偉大的母親作文700字 孔明作文800字
- ·佳佳作文700字