to save water_700字
分類:高三作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
to save water 標籤:forever作文 computer作文 chapter作文 water作文
Water is the source of life the source of life, once lost water, all things will be unable to survive. Water is the most need of the goods, without it, humans will face extinction, also visible, water and our lives are closely linked. The ancients thought that water is the gift of god is abundant, with endless, but facts speak louder than words, and according to the statistics, the world“s fresh water resources is only 350 million cubic meters, in the limited water resources, is human can make use of only 0.34%, due to unbalanced distribution, waste of life, in 60% of the world“s water supply is insufficient, a serious lack of water, serious condition.
At present, our country is faced with great water crisis, coupled with the number gradually increased, the water supply has been increased, and a severe drought in recent years, leading to frequent water supply situation, many farmers are kinds of vegetable plantation of rainwater irrigation, most of the dead, the country of vegetable production to a pole. But people are still not aware of the importance of water, still any waste water. On my way to school, I often see a hotel worker in washing the dishes, he put on the faucet, put the dishes in under the faucet and went away, he came back after a long time, put the dishes away, not about the faucet, a large number of domestic water flowed into the drainage pipe, caused great waste.
At present, our country is faced with great water crisis, coupled with the number gradually increased, the water supply has been increased, and a severe drought in recent years, leading to frequent water supply situation, many farmers are kinds of vegetable plantation of rainwater irrigation, most of the dead, the country of vegetable production to a pole. But people are still not aware of the importance of water, still any waste water. On my way to school, I often see a hotel worker in washing the dishes, he put on the faucet, put the dishes in under the faucet and went away, he came back after a long time, put the dishes away, not about the faucet, a large number of domestic water flowed into the drainage pipe, caused great waste.
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