分類:高三作文 字數:350字 編輯:pp958
給peter的一封信 標籤:letter作文 a letter作文 internet作文 alette作文
Dear Peter,
I'm very glad to receive your letter,in which you asked me how to learn Chinese well.I am going to give you some advice which can help you improve your Chinese as soon as possible.
First of all,it's widely acknowledged that accumulation is of great importance to learn a language.You'better broaden your vocabulary first.secondly,it's also a good way to listen to Chinese songs more.Besides.you are expected to have communitions with native Chinese people so as to speak Chinese fluently.What's more,making a hair of keeping diary is also a good idea.
To help you to improve your Chinese,I'll write to you every week to practice your handwriting.In addition.I'm going to speak to you in Chinese every day to help you with your spoken Chinese.
I hope you can take my suggestions into consideration.If so,I think it won't be long before you make great progress in Chinese.
Yours sincerely
給peter的一封信 作文推薦:

- ·給peter的一封信350字
- ·給peter的一封信150字
- ·a letter to pete200字
- ·bettercity,bette200字
- ·internet-因特網,int200字
- ·better ecology, 1000字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·給english teacher800字
- ·給english teacher800字
- ·給harrypotter的一封信1000字
- ·what`sthematterw100字
- ·internetandcompu300字
- ·alettertowinterc300字
- ·alettertomyteach300字
- ·iandsisterwriter100字
- ·a letter to the 250字
- ·fighter,fighter,900字
- ·super五四班的super小孩600字
- ·super五四班裡的super小600字
- ·super四班的super小孩700字
- ·super四班的super小孩300字
- ·super四班的super小孩(600字
- ·女孩september的周記(第1200字
- ·女生september的周記(第1100字
- ·六年級作文:alettertom100字
- ·〖friendshipetern900字
- ·friendshipeterna1300字
- ·honestpeter200字
- ·外教peter500字
- ·alettertoapenfri300字
- ·不過如此350字
- ·度日400字
- ·目光所及之繁花400字
- ·依然記憶猶新400字
- ·理由400字
- ·藏不住的喜歡700字
- ·自己的歷史500字
- ·日記600字
- ·這樣的生活400字
- ·兩全其美400字
- ·赤、橙、黃、綠、青、藍、紫400字
- ·空虛450字
- ·又到一年年底時600字
- ·《盡善盡美》觀后感700字
- ·我喜歡的城市700字
- ·我學會了煮麵條作文 馬蘭作文
- ·考考考作文 慶祝生日作文
- ·同在一片藍天下作文 給媽媽過生日作文
- ·自強作文 我還記得你作文
- ·契約作文 觀《開學第一課》作文
- ·《霧都孤兒》讀後感作文
- ·我的憂愁作文
- ·走過去作文
- ·螞蟻搬家作文400字
- ·我恨作文
- ·讓感恩走進心靈作文
- ·樓道作文600字 春天到作文150字
- ·花語作文500字 少先隊員作文
- ·美麗的青島作文 黃豆作文700字
- ·在海邊作文600字 神聖作文400字
- ·在傾聽中得到快樂作文600字 最美麗的瞬間作文
- ·塵封作文300字