organ donation_500字
分類:高三作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
Several days ago, I ask my sisters :" Have you ever thought about organ donation?" One of my sisters told me that she was afraid of it and she want to keep the whole body. In fact, I agree with her in the past. But until I have learned about organ donation, I changed my opinion. So today I would like to talk about why should we donate organ.
First, organ donation meets the need of society. According to statistics from the ministry of health, about 1.5 million people need organ transplants in China every year, but only 10,000 people can receive them each year, and organ shortage is the main reason. Facing it, do you want to do something for society or for others?
Next, it is a continuation of life. If you agree to donate your organ, your organ will be used in other people. We can imagine: your liver might be donated to a father, it makes his children get father's love back. And your heart might be donated to a teacher, it makes her continue to spread knowledge. And your eyes might be donated to a blind person, it makes him to see how colourful the world is. You help others to continue their life and actually your life is also continued. With gratitude, the father maybe gives more love to his children, the teacher maybe more patient to her students, and the blind person maybe more enthusiastic about life. This is your value after death. So, I am convinced that it is a must to donate organs.
Today, I have shared with you the reasons of organ donation. I hope everyone can benefit from it and think it seriously.
organ donation 作文推薦:
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