thank you for you endin_800字
分類:高一作文 字數:800字 編輯:pp958
thank you for you endin 標籤:thank you作文 foryou作文 thank作文 iloveyou作文
It's a very cold day, I was having class at school.
After that class we all go to the playground will have a P.E.class.
A best friend talk to me " x x x was angry."
I was feel anxious , but I always think for a moment , she well be happy.
But I take for be not all wet , she was angry even bigger.
I don't
know why maybe the matter rest with math class.
In the class we all do math problems , she can't do math problems, so she asked for me.
At that time I don't do it finish
, so I
am without for her., she was angry.
Finish the school , I was run around at playground with I think the best friend----Zhang Enlai.
She was vexation , too. So we run and run, until we were out of breath
so we
went home
I go home by mysalf
, I was very lonely.
I practically was cried. I don't
know why do I such .
At that I went home .
At this point I want to say "thank you" for my two best
Thank you for you ending , let me learn
what is the meaning of the friends ,and who is my best friends.
I don't
have the best friends I have the
all the better
I treasure what I have got now.
thank you for you endin 作文推薦:

- ·thank you for yo800字
- ·thankyou老天爺!600字
- ·thanks 校園600字
- ·高一作文:向青春大聲地呼喚:th1000字
- ·thank you變“三口”250字
- ·onlythankyou800字
- ·感恩節英語作文:thanksgi300字
- ·感恩節英語作文:whyhuman200字
- ·thanksgivingday300字
- ·[永遠的op]thanksfor1500字
- ·thankyou小學生之友800字
- ·thank小荷400字
- ·thank300字
- ·thankyouverymach700字
- ·thank you1100字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·老師,thankyou!400字
- ·dear miss tan ,t100字
- ·heartythanks200字
- ·三口與thank400字
- ·感恩節英語作文:livewith600字
- ·thanksgivingmoth100字
- ·thank you福來媽去1600字
- ·thankyou,books!100字
- ·『thankyou』700字
- ·thanksyourlove!(600字
- ·thank you350字
- ·thankiloveyou(1)2000字
- ·高二英語作文:thank you300字
- ·thanksforeveryth1400字
- ·高三英語作文:i love tr600字
- ·my life100字
- ·夜微涼,淚成霜100字
- ·夜微涼1600字
- ·眼淚成塔夜微涼700字
- ·瞬速時代·躁動季節250字
- ·如果微笑……100字
- ·只想觸及天空的陰霾200字
- ·憂鬱失落陰霾200字
- ·我的世界沒有陰霾600字
- ·流年殤,無法抹滅的陰霾1600字
- ·生命因你而精彩600字
- ·生命因你而精彩600字
- ·因為有你而精彩400字
- ·用我一生換你十年天真無邪150字
- ·廈門鼓浪嶼作文 放孔明燈作文
- ·來自大自然的啟示作文 滑稽作文
- ·致母校作文 七星瓢蟲作文
- ·讓我感動作文 放飛小鳥作文
- ·我的哥哥作文 爸爸媽媽的愛作文
- ·誰變了作文
- ·文藝作文
- ·面對挫折作文700字
- ·新春作文600字
- ·寒假日記作文
- ·我的弟弟作文
- ·貓的自述作文600字 《愚公移山》有感500字
- ·魔法作文300字 一件令我後悔的事作文600字
- ·公交車上作文200字 蝙蝠作文600字
- ·泥土作文400字 宿舍作文900字
- ·籃球夢作文 sorry作文300字
- ·生日宴會作文500字