分類:五年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
thanksgivingday 標籤:thank作文 thank you作文 english作文 song作文
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is the USA and Canada”s holiday. Later, people often thank the others on this day.
It’s in November of last Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Food
Cornbread, English Cheese Pie, Venison, Ducks and Geese, Wild Turkey, Garlic and Onions, Pumpkin Pudding are Thanksgiving Day’s food.
Thanksgiving Day a very traditional color of the food. Every Thanksgiving Day, Americans must eat a fat chicken. Because turkey is the traditional course.
Thanksgiving Day Blessings
Thank the parents. They give me the life, let me to study.
Thank the sisters and brothers. They let me healthy growth. In my difficult times, they stretched out their hands warm.
Thank the teachers. You let me to study, let me have the ability to pay for someone else.
Thank the friends. You bring me a lot of funny, bring me a lot of self-confidence. You bring me a lot of help, let me better to face all, too.
thanksgivingday 作文推薦:

- ·thanksgivingday300字
- ·thanksgivingmoth100字
- ·感恩節英語作文:thanksgi300字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·thanksforeveryth1400字
- ·fggdfgdgf100字
- ·hangdidexingzhua800字
- ·[永遠的op]thanksfor1500字
- ·thanksyourlove!(600字
- ·heartythanks200字
- ·thanks 校園600字
- ·thanksverymuch100字
- ·thankyou,books!100字
- ·a letter to e300字
- ·hongkongdis250字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·noting”sgonnacha900字
- ·thankyouverymach700字
- ·drinking water a450字
- ·whatdiddamingdo?100字
- ·高三英語作文:aninteres500字
- ·初二英語作文:aninteres200字
- ·qingdaoscenery300字
- ·treeplantingday100字
- ·感恩節英語作文:livewith600字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·jingke kills the350字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·doing the right 450字
- ·『thankyou』700字
- ·犧牲英雄,永記心房500字
- ·看淡過往,紅塵應念1300字
- ·在我記憶深處的那風景1600字
- ·在我記憶深處400字
- ·在我記憶深處300字
- ·你永遠留在我記憶深處800字
- ·記憶深處的碎片1000字
- ·記憶深處的那份思念800字
- ·記憶深處的母愛800字
- ·2009年,她留在我記憶深處700字
- ·曾經擁有過的美麗250字
- ·曾經擁有過的愛600字
- ·這裡是你(1)1700字
- ·友誼,不是你想的這麼簡單700字
- ·等待作文 我的童年記憶作文
- ·符號作文 生活更精彩作文
- ·第一次演出作文 護士節作文
- ·一份愛心作文 意境作文
- ·獻給教師節作文 菜籃子作文
- ·關心我們作文
- ·愛情故事作文
- ·書包里的對話作文
- ·且聽風吟作文
- ·回首2008作文
- ·學溜冰作文400字
- ·種豆芽作文400字 眷戀作文
- ·依舊作文400字 自白作文500字
- ·棉花作文200字 轉彎作文500字
- ·校園趣事作文700字 無悔青春作文
- ·買年貨作文 煙火作文100字
- ·書伴我成長作文300字