分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
This is a surprising thing for me. One day,after school, my best friend Tony and I returned home on foot .We were talking about some interesting things in school. All of a sudden, we heard a loud shout behind us.When we found a women lying on the ground and she was bleeding, we became frightened. And I can’t help saying,“Oh my god!” Tony at once called the houspital’s telephone number. But a man wearing a pair of glasses came over and prevented us from getting close to the woman. We were so surprised why the man stopped us salving the woman. Then the man asked us to look around. We can see a look cool man carrying a video camera. Oh! They were shooting a film. That is a false alarm.Next, after one year, Tony and I went to see movies,we saw the surprised movie. I think it’s very interesting .Do you agree with me?
astory 作文推薦:

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- ·astory200字
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- ·englishstory300字
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- ·「endlessstory。900字
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- ·初三英語作文:asadstory200字
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