分類:六年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
I was sad today.
We had a math test in the morining,I think it”s really a doddle(太簡單了)for me,but I didn”t have a good marks. Even I”m the sencend on my class,but I didn”t feel good."Please,don”t act like a bull in a china shop!"(幹事情不要太莽撞)The teacher told me.
Then I went back to home by bus,the driver told us many things about collage entrance examination.It”s alot of our life.(這是一生中最重要的)The driver was senile,but he is also likes to show himself.He”s really a "happy go lucky"(樂天派)person。Somepeople think he is not worth the paper,it”s printed on,(一文不值)but I didn”t think so.How about you?
I was back home at about 5:00 in the afternoon,I opened the TV and look the "outlook English".Today was talked about four treasurse of China study.(文房四寶)But I can”t watch TV anymore.There was alot of paramedics(醫務輔助人員)on the frist floor.And there was an ambulance.(救護車)I think it must be some one was dead.Oh,my god,our”s life was too short.
Actvie aging.(人老心不老)
actvieaging 作文推薦:

- ·今天不得不感謝一次cctvmtv400字
- ·actvieaging400字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·湖南衛士pkcctv500字
- ·cctv-我的夢想600字
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- ·cctv——你憑什麼代表中國去感2100字
- ·cctv星球之行800字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·selbstvorstellun100字
- ·why i enjoy watc250字
- ·respect teachers500字
- ·springiscoming!s1100字
- ·talkingaboutlear200字
- ·hangdidexingzhua800字
- ·jingke kills the350字
- ·protectendangere200字
- ·an english lectu400字
- ·protecting our 150字
- ·giving direction200字
- ·protectingourenv500字
- ·protectingtheenv1000字
- ·havinganinjectio300字
- ·buyingpictures300字
- ·giving direction200字
- ·expecting250字
- ·第一次到ktv500字
- ·《宿新市徐公店》mtv1600字
- ·百變小櫻tv版續集27600字
- ·我的夢想200字
- ·夏600字
- ·煦1000字
- ·祖國200字
- ·幸福500字
- ·生之渴望700字
- ·二十年後的我300字
- ·雨150字
- ·“白面判官”200字
- ·爸爸900字
- ·唉,段考了(日記)600字
- ·味道250字
- ·心情札記100字
- ·這女孩真牛(1)600字
- ·同學100字
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- ·我欣賞這樣的生命作文 品味讀書作文
- ·邊城讀後感作文 友誼最珍貴作文
- ·碎片作文 讀書的好處作文
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- ·感悟生活作文800字 愛的守護作文
- ·媽媽病了作文 獨一無二作文400字
- ·婦女節的禮物作文 雪仗作文350字
- ·活雷鋒作文600字