giving directions_200字
分類:高三作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
last weekend when i was on the street a foreigner stopped me to ask directions. even though i listen to the english radio station quite often, but when the man spoke i still had trouble listening to him; he spoke so fast!
i was so excited and nervous that i to k a long breath before i could answer. actually my mouth could not talk fast enough for all the words going through my head. i took my pen and a piece of paper out to draw a rough map for him.
after a few short remarks of thanks and courtesies he took my map and left. everything took place within ten minutes, but i felt this short exchange was the opening of a bright new world to me.
giving directions 作文推薦:
giving directions 暫無評論
- ·englishisimporta300字
- ·angel的愛情200字
- ·myenglishteacher200字
- ·inviting new500字
- ·緣[1]——xingqihui900字
- ·ourenglishteache100字
- ·高二英語作文:being an 300字
- ·fenghaodong100字
- ·記憶--『shining』925字
- ·thanksgivingday300字
- ·lovetruemeaning(100字
- ·painting of flow500字
- ·┢┦ow to study en300字
- ·angel800字
- ·english words le350字
- ·shopping200字
- ·waitingforhars100字
- ·havingpaidfindre200字
- ·fang te park(方特游250字
- ·失去羽毛的angel(五)1800字
- ·englishpk大賽(修改)1100字
- ·thefishing100字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf800字
- ·we have to be100字
- ·thespringfestiva100字
- ·bringhere600字
- ·shoppinginxiajiu500字
- ·challengeandresp200字
- ·初一英語作文:howtobest100字
- ·friendareforshar500字
- ·慷慨激昂400字
- ·小黃車400字
- ·你的回報應該大於你的付出400字
- ·你的身影400字
- ·金錢觀900字
- ·圓和三角800字
- ·無可奈何450字
- ·孤身一人450字
- ·感念之間那深深遺憾100字
- ·忍耐與緣分400字
- ·理解與不理解450字
- ·英語作文400字
- ·心存感激500字
- ·顛倒眾生400字
- ·你的努力不要白費300字
- ·打預防針作文 消逝的純真作文
- ·很孤獨作文 美麗的家作文
- ·爬玉龍雪山作文 慢慢長大作文
- ·不要輕易說“不”作文 桐鄉作文
- ·創建文明城市作文 葉的故事作文
- ·綠色軍營作文
- ·保護環境建議書作文
- ·游濟南作文
- ·偶得作文
- ·談學習作文
- ·知錯就改作文400字
- ·好友作文400字 被子作文
- ·逛花市作文 吹牛作文800字
- ·豬小戒作文 回來作文900字
- ·秋天的景作文350字 小青蛙作文800字
- ·打針記作文600字 高手作文400字
- ·錯了作文100字