分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
mysister 標籤:myteacher作文 myself作文 myschool作文 computer作文
I have a sister.
She is short and pretty.Her ferocious but she is also very good.
She often and fought with.She and I argue, I hate her. Bullied me all day long.
She often help those in need.She hated to do that she did not like.
Still remember once, she was in order to help others, they reverse their hands to hurt. I know, I think she was silly, stupid, stupid, like a pig.But she tells me that: "The joy through helping others, helping others, that can make himself happy, and can let others happy, should not you?"
This is my sister!
mysister 作文推薦:

mysister 暫無評論
- ·成長的感悟600字
- ·早記800字
- ·珠珠頭風波后500字
- ·家和萬事興800字
- ·晴天和雨天300字
- ·onmyway.1200字
- ·我的同桌500字
- ·溫馨教室的布置400字
- ·一日小計900字
- ·山明水秀700字
- ·一個祝福800字
- ·心靈之歌100字
- ·假文盲400字
- ·課堂百分百800字
- ·我的妹妹400字
- ·一天作文 難忘的記憶作文
- ·跑步比賽作文 觀日落作文
- ·我在讀書中成長作文 我愛無煙環境作文
- ·城市生活作文 美麗的白鷺洲作文
- ·友誼的價值作文 聽風的聲音作文
- ·氣憤的事作文
- ·考試卷作文
- ·我們都是一家人作文
- ·交鋒作文
- ·感恩作文800字
- ·湯姆索亞歷險記讀後感
- ·雪山彩虹谷作文 攝影作文900字
- ·秋天的懷念作文300字 我愛你,秋作文
- ·勿忘作文700字 三隻小兔作文
- ·祖國的生日作文 藍天下作文700字
- ·喜怒哀樂作文600字 貝貝作文100字
- ·中學生作文700字