分類:六年級作文 字數:1100字 編輯:Delpiero”spass(1)
delpiero”spass(1) 標籤:mybrother作文 happiness作文 spring作文 kiss作文
Del piero is XX school student, del piero was very poor, he”s your mom and dad died, his early childhood with his grandmother, however, is a few days ago his grandmother died, heart attack, del piero was driving home from the landlord. Wandering in the streets.
Del piero, every day in the sigh, why should blaming god to take me?
One day, an old grandpa from past pipi, said: "boy, why do you always sighing ah?"
"I was complaining about god to me it”s not fair! If someone can satisfy me three wishes."
"I can help you realize your three wishes."
"Really?" grandpa, you don”t make me happy."
"Your first wishes is what?"
"I hope I will be magic."
"Now, you have a child will magic."
Del piero, tried to grandpa said: "I”ll magic, thank you sir."
"No thanks."
Del piero is to walk, but was stopped grandpa, del piero said: "sir, what things?"
"The child, remember, if you are to help others, you will have the reward; but if you are playing tricks on others, you will never become a stone."
"Know, sir."
Suddenly disappeared, grandpa.
One day, "XXX" to the world, in the United States for a poor children, how to find? We chocolate factory of chocolate packaging, there will be a coupon, get the kids to margin to visit my factory, and can eat chocolate, uninterrupted life. "XXX" chocolate factory is well known in the world, what kind of chocolate! Such as: the strawberry chocolate, chocolate covered… "
After all, since the U.S. announced the children want a coupon, soon, 1 places, but understand him out of the story, del piero is very bad feeling those kids. "Clearly oneself is the most poor, I”m going to teach their, hum, tell me, no way!"
One day after school, del piero on the way up a $100, del piero glad, suddenly, a big boy, from the hand of the past rob pipi, said: "this is mine." Del piero really don”t see, then use the magic. He said: "to become pigs." However, a miracle, grandpa, this is to never shows. Grandpa sees pipi tease others so, say: "the kid, you forget that I said to you?"
In time, suddenly think up, del piero said: "the grandpa… I…"
"Stop, today, I want to keep the promise."
"Don”t! Grandpa!"
"Now, it”s late."
"Don”t --"
"The del piero turned into stone."
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