分類:三年級作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
My grandfather is a famous professor. He is over sixty now, but he is in good health, and his hair is still black. He is tall and hand some, and looks like a gentleman. Believe it or not, he began to learn to drive last year, and now he drives his white Nissan every day.
My grand father has taught English for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as America, France and Canada. Now he is on holiday in Europe with my grandmother.
He is very kind to me.
四年級英語作文:我的爺爺(mygrandfat 作文推薦:

四年級英語作文:我的爺爺(mygrandfat 暫無評論
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- ·四年級英語作文:mynewtea100字
- ·四年級英語作文:我的爺爺(myg100字
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- ·四年級英語作文:myfather100字
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- ·在雨中300字
- ·我在雨中300字
- ·我喜歡在雨中150字
- ·答案,在雨中飄落400字
- ·紫薇花100字
- ·意想不到的事夏紫薇350字
- ·搶板凳夏紫薇400字
- ·電腦迷夏紫薇250字
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- ·一次難忘的比賽500字
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- ·難忘的比賽500字
- ·難忘的比賽500字
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- ·當值日生作文
- ·那年花開作文
- ·回頭看作文
- ·城南舊事讀後感
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