分類:四年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
anightmare 標籤:christmas作文 aboutme作文 dream作文 adream作文
John liked to watch horror movies. Every night, he would watch one. He liked to scare people too. One night, John was watching a horror movie in his bedroom. When the movie came to an end, he felt sleepy and went to sleep. A few hours later, he started to dream...... He was studying when he heard strange noises coming from the living room downstairs. He wondered what the noise was. He climbed out of his bed. He took a badmintion racket from the closet and tiptoed downstairs to investigate what was there. When he reached the living room, he did not see anything suspicious. He scanned the living, listening out for any unusual sound. Then he heard it again. "Dub.Dub.Dub.Dub." It was coming from the kitchen. When he opened the kichen door, he found that the noise actually came from a strange creature! It had bulging eyes, big long feet, sharp teeth and scaly skin! When the creature saw John, it ran to grab John with its long hairy arms. John just stood there dumbfounded. When the creature grabbed him, it threw him down on the ground after a nasty shake. Bong!...... Suddenly, John woke up. It was but a dream. Then he felt a pain on his bottom because he had fallen off the bed.
anightmare 作文推薦:
- ·保衛處雲星100字
- ·荷花200字
- ·啊,七彩泡泡500字
- ·我的煩惱300字
- ·我的煩惱200字
- ·閃光的軍隊500字
- ·軍隊350字
- ·失去的母愛100字
- ·詩畫的校園450字
- ·遠親不如近鄰500字
- ·遠親不如近鄰500字
- ·遠親不如近鄰400字
- ·遠親不如近鄰300字
- ·一隻小老鼠600字
- ·一隻小老鼠100字
- ·我心中的彩虹作文 第一次打乒乓球作文
- ·遺忘的作文 父親的肩膀作文
- ·爭氣作文 交通作文
- ·走進世博會作文 五一遊記作文
- ·深宮怨作文 泡沫之夏作文
- ·老師,謝謝你作文
- ·讚揚作文
- ·我真的很棒作文500字
- ·冷暖自知作文
- ·夜下作文
- ·誠信是金作文
- ·寶寶作文1000字 仰望星空作文500字
- ·比拼作文400字 嬌氣作文600字
- ·生日作文200字 化繭成蝶作文
- ·孤島作文 我最欣賞的一句話作文
- ·烏龜作文800字 觀《感動中國》有感
- ·琴聲作文1000字