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分類:五年級作文  字數:300字  編輯:pp958

  My day 

  Hi , I’m YanHaomin , I’m ten years old. I came from Puyang. I’m in Class 5, Gread 5 . I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I am on a five-day school week. 

  I get up at 6:40. I have breakfast at seven o’clock . I have bread or Porridge(稀飯). I live near the school . 

  So I usually go to school at 7:30, and I go to school by bike .  

  I have lunch at 12:00 . I usually have rice and soup for lunch . I like potato、carrot and soy sauce chicken wings(紅燒雞翅)very much. 

  I have buns and Porridge(稀飯)for supper. I like cucumber(黃瓜)and string bean (四季豆). I like to eat apples, bananas, kiwi (獼猴桃)and tangerine(蜜桔). 

  I do my homework at 17:30 , I like reading in the evening. Sometimes I exercise in the evening . I go to bed at 21:00.

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