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分類:五年級作文  字數:200字  編輯:得得9

   My favorite flower    What flower do you like best? Is it tree peony? Or China rose?    But my favorite flower is water lily. Because they have the pink or white petal, a green stalk, a conglobated lotus leaf, and melting lotus root .They in the exist limpidly lake, and their lotus root can eat .I think they are very beautiful and virgin!     So I hope you to like them, too .    譯文:你最喜歡什麼花兒?它是牡丹?或者月季?但是我最喜歡荷花。因為它們有着粉紅或白色的花瓣,綠色的莖,圓圓的蓮藕。它們生活在清澈的湖裡,它們的蓮藕可以吃。我認為它們非常美麗和純潔。    所以,我希望你們也喜歡它們。  

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