pelican was hungry飢餓的鵜鶘_1200字
分類:一年級作文 字數:1200字 編輯:得得9
pelican was hungry飢餓的鵜鶘 標籤:traveling作文 angel的愛情作文 飢餓作文 story作文
Pelican was hungry. He opened his bill wide and then closed it fast. That is how a pelican says, “I am hungry.”
Pelican looked down at the water. He saw something shaped like a fin in the water. Quick! He dove down fast to eat it up.
It was a dolphin’s fin. A dolphin is much too big for a pelican to eat. So Pelican flew back to his branch.
Pelican sat on his branch. He opened his bill wide. Then he closed it fast. He was still hungry.
Suddenly, he saw a little head pop out of the waves. Quick! Pelican dove down fast to eat it up.
It was a turtle. The turtle was much too big for a pelican to eat. The turtle dove in the water and swam away. Pelican still did not have any food.
He flew up and away on the wind. He looked down. Every little wave sparkled. Soon he saw something floating on top of a wave. Quick! Pelican dove down fast to eat it up.
It was a coconut. A coconut is much too big for a pelican to eat. Pelican poked it away with his bill. He still did not have any food.
Pelican swam and rode on top of the waves. He opened his bill and closed it fast. He opened it and closed it again. He was very hungry.
He flew up on the wind and over the waves. He flew all the way back home to his branch.
Pelican looked down at the water. He opened his bill wide and closed it fast. He was very, very, hungry. He saw something shine and flash under the water. He dove down fast.
It was a fish, and it was a good one. It was not too big. It had no big bones and fins that he can choke on. Pelican flew back up to his branch with the fish in his bill.
He let the fish slide down his neck.
Then Pelican closed his bill and put it on his chest. That is how a pelican says, “I am not hungry anymore.”
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