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分類:初二作文  字數:500字  編輯:得得9

I’m a small boat The classroom is my harbour; I’m a small boat The desk is my sampan; I’m a small boat The pencil is my oar I’m a small boat The book page is my sail; I’m a small boat I’m sailing to the sea of knowledge  Bats sail on the rivers And ships sail on the seas; But clouds far than sail across the sky Are prettier far than these

  There are bridges on the rivers As pretty as you please; But the rainbow that bridges heaven And overtops the trees And builds a road from earth to sky Is prettier far than these

  我是一隻小船兒 教室是我的港灣; 我是一隻小船兒  課桌是我的舢板; 我是一隻小船兒 鉛筆是我的船漿; 我是一隻小船兒 書頁是我的風帆; 我是一隻小船兒 正駛向知識的彼岸。

  船兒航行在河上 大船航行在海上; 可是雲彩飄在天上 遠比這些船漂亮。

  河上架起的橋樑 優美多漂亮; 可是彩虹天上架橋樑 高高越過樹上方 修起路通天地 遠比橋美麗。

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