分類:初二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
interimsummar(期中總結) 標籤:summer作文 期中總結作文 winter作文 internet作文
Interim summar
To the mid-term examination, I am glad and afraid. The reason among them lay in not having an examination since this month, did not preview even more! So want to see that learnt on earth how much knowledge in oneself these half a terms, and the reason feared is to take an exam of mathematics and English! Can because not very.
Especially English, I bet these half a terms I have not almost learnt how much knowledge, because I can not understand, the teacher explains anything again! The deskmate says horse forever: "Speaking the book from heaven! "It is picture very for me not to think. In addition, I do not very much think learning English, so can not right away
understand! Sometimes, even can stew. So often let the teacher say. Talking about this, I remember a word, that is: "Even national language is without studying well, let alone studying English! "
To tell the truth, I fear to study mathematics, I”m afraid to understand, can not learn. Have really met many difficulties while I study! But not as difficult as mathematics! In addition, its content chisels gradation zone again difficult! I am more afraid.
Just think how to do in the future?
interimsummar(期中總結) 作文推薦:
- ·interimsummar(期中600字
- ·neversummernever2200字
- ·mysummmervacatio300字
- ·spring,summer,fa300字
- ·ihaveaveryhappys200字
- ·fromwintertowint400字
- ·internet-因特網,int200字
- ·whatwillyoudoint100字
- ·期中總結250字
- ·期中總結700字
- ·期中總結800字
- ·期中總結300字
- ·期中總結400字
- ·期中總結900字
- ·語文期中總結800字
- ·mysummerholiday?400字
- ·夏日感覺——送給所有lovesu200字
- ·暑假(summer vacati300字
- ·暑假summervacation100字
- ·暑假英語作文:during su100字
- ·暑假英語作文:summer ho200字
- ·暑假英語作文:summer ho300字
- ·ilikesummerholid100字
- ·lastsummerholida100字
- ·myhappysummerhol100字
- ·mysummerholiday100字
- ·mysummerholiday100字
- ·mysummerholiday100字
- ·mysummerholiday250字
- ·mysummerholiday200字
- ·【每日小記】期中···150字
- ·“期中這一戰”我敗了600字
- ·我願用十年的生命,換一次淡淡的友900字
- ·我十年後的某一天日記800字
- ·我家這二十年900字
- ·我好想跨過這十年600字
- ·為愛等了十年,只等來一滴自己的眼2800字
- ·土衛六的命運(伍)之艱苦二十年700字
- ·十年校慶,情系附中700字
- ·十年樹木,百年樹人200字
- ·十年夢心死無望1100字
- ·十年夢200字
- ·十年後的我700字
- ·十年後的我1000字
- ·十年後的地球600字
- ·面對人生作文 親吻作文
- ·有話對你說作文 不經意作文
- ·在考場上作文 消逝作文
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- ·兔子救小袋鼠作文 給自己作文
- ·心中的花朵作文
- ·和爺爺下象棋作文
- ·先進事迹範文
- ·小貓的故事作文
- ·讀《小王子》有感作文
- ·懷念外公作文
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- ·滄海蝴蝶作文 打字作文500字
- ·鼓勵作文400字 牢記作文300字
- ·多彩的作文700字 隨便寫寫作文
- ·公交作文350字 飢餓作文
- ·善意作文400字