i want to make pizza_600字
分類:初二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
i want to make pizza 標籤:ilike作文 weekends作文 weekend作文 myweekend作文
I want to eat pizza again today. Because when i eat at the hotel to see a pizza. I thought i made a pizza. Of course, i will not go out to buy raw materials to do the pizza. Or to buy a microwave oven can be heated pizza. It can save time and save money. You do not have to worry about not doing it . Will not waste food. In short, there are a lot of can convenience. I do not know recently i said so much delicious, there is not temptation to you? But i still feel good things are supposed to be shared with you. Lucky enought to see this article, you can save a lot of money for youself. Say a digression , i will leave Hangzhou. I am scheduled to be around nine. Back to Guangzhou arter the Baiyun Airport and then drove back to their own city. I can get home at four in the morning. I do not know if you sleep at that time. And say good night to you !
i want to make pizza 作文推薦:

- ·zzz3000字
- ·i want to mak600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·地球媽媽的來信[zz]500字
- ·讓我愛你好不好(zz)2400字
- ·busylizzy200字
- ·呼嚕zz400字
- ·給zzy的回信1000字
- ·mypuzzle400字
- ·“zz羅”900字
- ·我困了(~o~)~zz~~705字
- ·dizzy500字
- ·makesuperchicken100字
- ·kevinlikesanimal300字
- ·ilikebasketball200字
- ·iliketoplaybacke100字
- ·五年級英語作文:ilikebas200字
- ·mike`s weekend100字
- ·theearthquake,sh1600字
- ·it is mistake th250字
- ·make use of you 200字
- ·theearthquake,sh1600字
- ·likeanddislike100字
- ·︿lifelikewinterf1000字
- ·ilikewinter100字
- ·ontheweekend100字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·iwanttokeepdiary100字
- ·我....400字
- ·走夜路350字
- ·雨100字
- ·劉翔,加油!1000字
- ·thevampire1200字
- ·你若成風1400字
- ·陽光1500字
- ·寒假日記400字
- ·時令已是夏至時,學生個個似火爐900字
- ·關上門`不想理誰200字
- ·說勤400字
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- ·my favourite 150字
- ·贏了,還是輸了200字
- ·殼的名字叫生活800字
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- ·書屋作文 茶花女作文
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- ·美好家園作文 縮寫小抄寫員作文
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- ·最難忘的一節課作文
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- ·烏龜作文350字 漫畫作文400字
- ·學做作文500字