分類:初三作文 字數:450字 編輯:得得9
To Experience the Life
Saturday Nov. 15, 2003 Cloudy
My teacher gave me an assignment "experience life" last week. I had been thinking how to finish it because I had never done any thing by myself before.
Mother was out today. It was a good chance to complete the assignment. Seeing the barrel was empty, I decided to fetch water from the well.
I took the empty barrel and went towards the well outside the yard. It snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. A layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well. I was frightened by the sight, but I gathered my courage to walk towards it.
The alley was so slippery that I walked with difficultly. Suddenly, I slipped and fell down, water in the barrel totally poured down on the ground. I stepped on the platform carefully. After standing steadily and squatting down slowly, I hooked the barrel at the end of the rope and put the rope down slowly. I made an effort to drag the barrel up after it was filled with water. I was very careful because it was easy to slip and fall. Then, I carried the barrel of water and returned to my house. My figners were frozen stiff. I realized my effort was in vain. I hated myself.
I failed to finish the assignment but I did experience life through a trifle which seemed easy but difficult to do well. Such was my first experience of life.
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