分類:初三作文 字數:100字 編輯:pp958
I”m a little lion.My name is Jeff.Ihave a big head and a big mouth.I have two little ears and four big legs .l”yellow.But my favorite color is green. I like green trees.I like living in the forest .I like to eat animals.But I live in ten zoo now.I don”t like the zoo.I get up in the cage in the morning.I have breakfast,lunch and supper in the cage.Igo to bed in the cage in the elening,too.People watch me evey day.some boy hit me with stones.I don”t like them.they are not my friends.I want go to back to my friends.Iwant to live with them.
lion【獅子】的心聲 作文推薦:

lion【獅子】的心聲 暫無評論
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