分類:初三作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
beingalone 標籤:lonely作文 happiness作文 english作文 song作文
Being alone
Mabe you will feel lonely when you are being alone sometimes,but do you feel lonely when you are play with friends?
I am a middle school student in my hometown,and when I leave my primary school friends for the middle school,I felt really sad and frustrating.When I got into the new class,I felt I was so serious with everyone and it made me had not have some friends.
Now,I still feel lonely sometimes thought I have many friends,but i realized that friendship is so imporant for everyone and if the person who does not have friends,he will not feel happy anyone.
Before,I used to be more outgoing than now and at that time I always felt that I was the most happiness person around the world!And I used to be afraid of being alone,but now,I always want to find a really good friend to listen to my secrets.
Are you also feel lonely?And how do you do when you feel lonely?
beingalone 作文推薦:

- ·...longlongjourn800字
- ·母親節,給媽媽的long lon1600字
- ·long,longago900字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·neversummernever2200字
- ·heresceneryalone800字
- ·iwanderedlonelya500字
- ·theflowerislonel200字
- ·新年,love,love,lov1200字
- ·newbeijingnewoly300字
- ·newworld,newchal400字
- ·loveofhavingneit200字
- ·aslongascarrywit100字
- ·beingalone600字
- ·abelongtothelove100字
- ·the flowers are 350字
- ·初一英語作文:blowingba200字
- ·long-distance lo400字
- ·i`mtryingtolearn100字
- ·one-wingedangel(1200字
- ·六年級英語作文:hong kon100字
- ·i love you zhuji150字
- ·gettingalong200字
- ·getting along wi800字
- ·facing the ocean200字
- ·noting”sgonnacha900字
- ·yuan long ping250字
- ·springiscoming!s1100字
- ·talkingaboutlear200字
- ·心會痛450字
- ·假如200字
- ·為自己擰燈700字
- ·花未開,月未圓800字
- ·晚九秒400字
- ·浮現在腦海350字
- ·說名道姓500字
- ·去了石島900字
- ·向日葵,開過舊夏天700字
- ·致我的爺爺奶奶300字
- ·心中的迷彩服500字
- ·人性,在災難中閃光700字
- ·成長600字
- ·友誼150字
- ·錢不是萬能的100字
- ·必修課作文 小豬儲蓄罐作文
- ·青春的旋律作文 說大話作文
- ·鬥志作文 十年後的國慶節作文
- ·神筆馬良作文 為你流淚作文
- ·沉思作文 軍訓的第一天作文
- ·一次有趣的活動作文
- ·我喜歡雨作文
- ·鬧笑話作文
- ·初夏作文
- ·奮鬥人生作文
- ·建設幸福中國作文800字
- ·三八作文700字 美麗的樹葉作文
- ·期待作文800字 一片落葉作文300字
- ·小小推銷員作文200字 堅強的我作文
- ·有意義的事作文700字 阿咪作文
- ·奶奶家的小狗作文 老師,謝謝您作文500字
- ·一次失敗作文