分類:六年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
What is time? Nobody see it and nobody catch it. but everyone can feel it pass by. Time is always with us in life .When we are at the table , time passes away while we are eating . When we talk ,time slips away in front of us . And when we play with friends,time goes by unnoticeably.
Time is fair to every of us . If you make the best use of it,time will give you a lot. Otherwise,you will miss a lot .The lost time will not be fomd again.
Today,time is becoming more and more important to us .You can always hear peoplesay,"Time is money,Time is life."It warns us not to waste any time.
My friends,we must keep in mind the saying ,"Time and tide wait for no man ." Now we are all young.It is high time for us to learn more . We must try our best every minute and be the masters of time.
whatistime? 作文推薦:

- ·who-who-who1200字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·whattheolympicsm800字
- ·whatistime?400字
- ·stayathomeawhole300字
- ·whyyoudon`tunder1000字
- ·when is the best100字
- ·justwhenineededy1800字
- ·me me me300字
- ·nooneisthesameas500字
- ·saysomewordstoso100字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·英語pk,who怕who啊?100字
- ·whenyoukissme400字
- ·whocangivemewarm100字
- ·whotomelove300字
- ·youaskme,iaskwho200字
- ·a people who aff250字
- ·tellmewhy200字
- ·tellmewhy200字
- ·why me?700字
- ·what i‘ve learnt200字
- ·enlightenmentoft100字
- ·whenyousaygoodbe400字
- ·what ball games 250字
- ·what can we do f250字
- ·what”schristmas200字
- ·astoryaboutmrwhi100字
- ·whatisthesecreto100字
- ·whistle吹口哨1400字
- ·whatispretty?(內附300字
- ·whatdoyouwant?300字
- ·whatareyougingto200字
- ·what”s the love 1000字
- ·this is what i500字
- ·雖然我願作果實,但我還要讚美花500字
- ·雖然我們以前是好朋友700字
- ·雖然我很醜,但是……700字
- ·雖然我愛你,但你並不愛我600字
- ·你,雖然已不在……800字
- ·真誠與信任各一份,絕不議價700字
- ·沒宣布“死刑”絕不放棄1300字
- ·絕不放棄900字
- ·絕不400字
- ·智力魔方500字
- ·優樂美作文 暢談理想作文
- ·說說我自己作文 校園裡的紫藤花作文
- ·喜迎十八大作文 灰兔作文
- ·給災區小朋友的一封作文 石榴樹作文
- ·你是否還記得作文 苦並快樂着作文
- ·鬼屋歷險作文
- ·美麗的大森林作文
- ·端午節作文100字
- ·出租車司機作文
- ·真正的朋友作文500字
- ·開學第一課觀后感300字
- ·星星作文800字 籃球作文600字
- ·青蛙作文300字 百合作文800字
- ·開心的一天作文250字 60年作文
- ·清晨作文600字 給姐姐的一封信作文300字
- ·什麼叫愛作文 讓夢飛作文
- ·志願者作文