learn to say no_450字
分類:高三作文 字數:450字 編輯:小景
learn to say no 標籤:internet作文 snow作文 snowman作文 letter作文
I have a partner to learn English with. We practice spoken English twice a week, and after this time's practice, she ended with a suggestion" I think you should learn to say NO. You always make others to make your desicion without complimant, they suggest and you say that's Okay, no matter what you are just decided to do and in this way others will take much of your time. Learn to say NO, and only in this way can you be yourself."
I just remembered the first speech our teacher gave us last year, the first time I went to the college, he said the same thing, learn to say NO.
I thought over about this and observed something. Maybe it's not only an attitude. Also to say no can't be classified to a kind of unrespect. It's a choice, which you should and must make when others opion went right to yours at the same time and you could not need to sacrifise yours to complish others. It's somehow a kind of courage. Not everyone has the courage to do so, neither do I, so that's my reason why I always say yes to others, but, take a careful accout, their things sometimes is not your business, why you waste your time to do that?
Maybe I really should learn to say no, and how about you my friend?
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