分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
learningforeignlanguage 標籤:angel的愛情作文 forever作文 internet作文 ufo作文
I love learning foreign languages. Especially English because English is the most widely spoken language in the world, it is used by countries all over the world. For example, if you want to find a nice job, you probably need to be good at English, and when you surf on the Internet, you”ll see many dialogues and keywords in English. If you don”t know them, then you”ll have to spend a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary. Therefore we must try harder to learn English and improve our English, and we could learn more besides.
Now, I”m a junior high student, I try to read magazine articles in English everyday. In fact, learning English is lots of fun. It”s rather like learning Chinese. Just open your mouth and say something in English or read lots of achievement. All in all, it”s useful for everyone to learn English.
learningforeignlanguage 作文推薦:
- ·learningforeignl200字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·talkingaboutlear200字
- ·我遊覽了軍(jūn)博(b)物(300字
- ·aboutlearningeng300字
- ·language problem150字
- ·abigforestfire300字
- ·tadpoleslookingf200字
- ·tadpoleslookingf300字
- ·getting more ski400字
- ·dongguoguo600字
- ·way to improve o300字
- ·forgetmeforever1000字
- ·my foreign teach700字
- ·myexperiencewith600字
- ·i meet the forei1100字
- ·to talk to forei250字
- ·learn ukulele300字
- ·makingfriendsonl200字
- ·forget----painre300字
- ·iwanttolearntheg500字
- ·myexperienceofle300字
- ·thenewlearningst400字
- ·i”mgonnaleavingn500字
- ·childhoodinteres1200字
- ·loveofhavingneit200字
- ·neversayforever,1400字
- ·challengeandresp200字
- ·aclevermanlittle100字
- ·植樹節500字
- ·快樂900字
- ·讀《四十九張紙》有感300字
- ·童年回憶250字
- ·笑是一種力量700字
- ·趣500字
- ·母親,我好怕1600字
- ·螞蟻的村落700字
- ·中國與奧運800字
- ·優秀的寫作600字
- ·憶廢200字
- ·異地見聞1000字
- ·希望300字
- ·一球成名(5)500字
- ·池莉700字
- ·一位與眾不同的老師作文 我的鋼琴老師作文
- ·皇帝的新裝續集作文 愛我家園作文
- ·筆和紙作文 德心者,得心也作文
- ·有趣的扳手腕比賽作文 遙遠作文
- ·愛媽媽作文 消逝的純真作文
- ·贖罪作文
- ·渴望和平作文500字
- ·仰望天空作文
- ·古都作文
- ·星晴作文
- ·快樂的國慶節作文300字
- ·衛生作文250字 娃娃作文450字
- ·盤龍作文 奧運作文
- ·鈴聲作文500字 愉快的暑假作文500字
- ·剎那作文100字 快樂的六一作文350字
- ·鬍子作文200字 佩服作文700字
- ·假如我能穿越作文