stop raising dangerous animal as pets_350字
分類:高一作文 字數:350字 編輯:得得9
stop raising dangerous animal as pets 標籤:hope作文 angel的愛情作文 shopping作文 students作文
Recently,more and more people keeping pets. On the one hand ,pet reflects people's love,on the other hand,there are also many problems.Some people raise some strong pet and pets wounding accidents have been reported.
Some people think that raising this pet is a very dangerous thing,but other argue that is a little interesting thing and people's reactions is over .As for as i'm concerned. I prefer the later .Feeding a pet may cause the surrounding residents problem, but also a threat to their own.In this kind of pets on the problem,everyone has different views,so may cause family confilcts,may also cause the neighbourhood contradicitions,which are detrimental to the life and work .if therefore any conflict ,hurt not the pet to people ,we will pay a higher price.In addition,feeding and whether they are legal and give others bring psychological pressure is inestimable.
To sum up ,the public should stop feeding the animal,so as to avoid bad things happen.the public should be paid attention to,I believe ,as long as we work together,we can solve the problem.
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