分類:高一作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
peace 標籤:introduce作文 succe作文 penpal作文 mypenpal作文
It happens to everyone. Sometimes we choose the wrong path and we never get to where we really want to go. This time, I'm sure we are going to find the answer together.
Learn some matters and watch your language.
The former enemies plegde themselvers to work for mutual unterstanding, and to make every possible step to maintain peace. The moment you acquire all that power you've dreamed of, you will become the one who causes others to weep tears of loss. We're going to be heading into battlle soon. Innocent people who want to have peaceful lives should be protected. If a person kills for vengeance, and then he is killed for being a killer, then how will we ever find peace? Battle field is flooded with new weapons of both side.
Why do we keep fight and there is no end in sight? Why don't wars ever go away? Throughout history, people have cried out that they hate war and the pain it brings.
peace 作文推薦:
- ·what will happen300字
- ·sacrificealice~人500字
- ·快樂假日fficeffice/700字
- ·silencebehindthe900字
- ·onceofnicety1000字
- ·theageofinnocenc200字
- ·theprincessandth200字
- ·高二英語作文:world pea350字
- ·an unforgettable250字
- ·myexperiencewith600字
- ·初二英語作文:myexperie200字
- ·初二英語作文:myexperie200字
- ·初三英語作文:toexperie500字
- ·論毅力(on persevera573字
- ·faceupemotions900字
- ·adespoticemperor500字
- ·anexcitingexperi400字
- ·persistence250字
- ·myexperienceofle300字
- ·xiaoliexperience200字
- ·my experience of200字
- ·amazing experinc100字
- ·everything about250字
- ·peopleandplace200字
- ·the experience o1000字
- ·anamusingexperie200字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·my experience350字
- ·peace300字
- ·a travel experie700字
- ·莫言傷,垂淚笑100字
- ·樂趣450字
- ·樂觀與悲觀350字
- ·別600字
- ·我無法抵達的世界800字
- ·我的。。心?1400字
- ·過客1200字
- ·去留500字
- ·交易450字
- ·我愛nba300字
- ·念顰顰50字
- ·坦蕩蕩心舒暢1000字
- ·難忘600字
- ·有原則的你400字
- ·媽媽的愛800字
- ·我學會了包餃子作文 太陽和月亮作文
- ·國慶60周年大閱兵作文 這一天讓我銘記作文
- ·難忘的一瞬作文 災區兒童作文
- ·小雪人作文 心淚作文
- ·改行作文 五彩繽紛的香港作文
- ·清晨作文
- ·環衛工人作文400字
- ·可憐的小貓作文
- ·書香伴我行作文700字
- ·記憶猶新作文
- ·彈珠作文
- ·暴雨作文350字 女排作文500字
- ·走近作文600字 我要做好作文600字
- ·搶電視作文 劉翔作文500字
- ·我喜歡讀書作文 珍惜所擁有的幸福作文700字
- ·給媽媽洗腳作文500字 謝老師作文500字
- ·好夥伴作文100字