to carrie_250字
分類:六年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:得得9
to carrie 標籤:sorry作文
hi Carrie. are you doingfine? in Japan it is getting colder so we are starting to wear long sleeveshirt. I am getting very excited because it is almost Halloween. I decided togo trick-or-treating with my friends. I am in a basketball team right now inschool. and I am the captain. also in September I went to Zoo with all myfriends. it was so much fun. in Japan I have a lot of friends so I am having so much fun. also it was a bit of a hard Time for the month ofSeptember, because I just finished reading a book called the Harry Potter andthe chamber of secrets. it doesn“t really mean hard but it was a really reallyreally long book and for the month of Oak Tovar I“m decided to read the HarryPotter and The prisoner of Azkaban. i“m a bit busy right now but I lookforward to your reply
your best friend Shinnosuke
to carrie 作文推薦:

- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·sorry,螢火蟲1000字
- ·sorry!我的老師.同學300字
- ·merrychristmas(聖700字
- ·聖誕節marrychristma500字
- ·merry christmas350字
- ·merrychristmas200字
- ·merrychristmas400字
- ·merrychristmas600字
- ·merrychristmas!100字
- ·lovesorry【愛抱歉】700字
- ·lovesyou,neverre800字
- ·i an sorry600字
- ·i”msorry對不起700字
- ·letalonesorry.800字
- ·sorry100字
- ·sorry400字
- ·sorry300字
- ·sorry,bestfriend700字
- ·sorry,mymachteac300字
- ·sorry,老爸,是我不夠好300字
- ·sorry,我很難忘記你們500字
- ·sorry,原諒我的任性200字
- ·sorryiloveyou(1)700字
- ·sorryiloveyou(2)1300字
- ·程老師i`msorry!400字
- ·凌夢,sorry800字
- ·我誤解了你!sorry!700字
- ·永恆的友誼friends,i`m400字
- ·折翼天使守護sorry眼淚500字
- ·仙島湖700字
- ·我的家鄉600字
- ·綠島庄山遊記400字
- ·淺秋200字
- ·我的校長夢800字
- ·災區中的一對父子400字
- ·哀哥日記300字
- ·海之今昔500字
- ·玖。;7800字
- ·妹妹哭了,我卻笑了800字
- ·鼻涕蟲的經歷......900字
- ·太重了500字
- ·“小招待”600字
- ·自豪700字
- ·我的老師400字
- ·餃子作文 感受秋天作文
- ·游上海作文 讀紅樓作文
- ·寫春聯作文 同桌,我想對你說作文
- ·大課間作文 七里香作文
- ·假如所有的小河作文 《巴黎聖母院》作文
- ·2000年後作文
- ·春天來了作文200字
- ·小桃樹作文
- ·看花燈作文500字
- ·春天來了作文800字
- ·暑假的打算作文
- ·宇航員作文500字 最好作文1000字
- ·遺忘的作文300字 愚人節作文
- ·綠色的校園作文 心愿作文700字
- ·魔法公主作文800字 人與自然作文400字
- ·珍惜所擁有的幸福作文700字 百年瞬間作文
- ·假小子作文500字