i am a dress_250字
分類:六年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
i am a dress 標籤:happiness作文 dream作文 adream作文 my dream作文
I am a yellow dress that was once hanging in a superstore. One day, a lady bought me as a birthday present for her daughter. Her daughter's name is Rohani.
Rohani wore me on her birthday. On that day, her friends praised me for my beauty. Rohani was delighted and asked her father to take a picture of herself. She wanted the picture for keepsake.
However, luck was not on my side. Somebody spilt curry gravy on me. My body became dirty and smelly. I was no longer beautiful.
Rohani then decided to change her dress. She put on another dress and left me on the floor. I felt so unwanted.
i am a dress 作文推薦:

i am a dress 暫無評論
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