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a bee and&nbs_350字

分類:三年級作文  字數:350字  編輯:得得9

  One day, a bee saw a candy. He asked the candy:” Do you dare to fly with me?” The candy thought a little while and said:” OK, Let’s do it!” The bee said: “Let’s do it tomorrow. The destination is your master’s bed.”

  The next day, before the competition, the bee bit the face of the candy’s master. The master got very angry. He threw the candy towards the bee. The candy whizzed past the bee, the bee was right after the candy, but he could not catch the candy, the candy got the championship.


  第二天,比賽之前,蜜蜂不小心叮了糖果的主人,主人很憤怒,他拿起糖果就向蜜蜂扔去,只聽“嗖”的一聲,糖果飛了出去,沒有砸到蜜蜂,卻遠遠地超過了蜜蜂。蜜蜂在後面使勁地追着,但他失敗了,糖果得了冠軍。 推薦的作文書籍

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