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one day_250字

分類:五年級作文  字數:250字  編輯:小景

  One Day 

   步步高英語培訓學校 李小玉  

   On December twentieth. I was very happy, Because I went to the Zoo with my parents. 

   That day has fine weather. We got up much earlier than the other days. We had our breakfast at half past seven in the morning. And then we went to the Zoo. The Zoo is far from our home, so we went there by bus. We arrived in the Zoo at ten o’clock. There wre so many people in the Zoo. We saw many animals. Such as, monkeys. tigers. pandas and so on. We took many photoes with the animals. We felt tired but we were very happy. Because we had a nice day in the Zoo. 

  In a word, how nice the day was!

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