手機:M版 分類:計劃方案 編輯:pp958
計劃書英文 標籤:英文簡歷
Product introduction:
Multifunctionalelectronic entertainment module is based on advanced connect and display technology, there s a smallwireless in each module and every module can combine together by specialviscidity surface material. Every module includes different function such asmusic, video, phone, print, camera, game, etc. It’s fashion and flexible to use.
Traditional or direct marketing channel:
I think direct maketing channel will be more coincident with our situation. Next three reasons will support my opinion.
1. Traditional ways will require many stores, we don’t have enough money to set up these stores.
2. Our product is innovative, mostly consumers of this product will suit to modern direct retailing.
3. Direct retailing is more efficient. People can buy the product anywhere as long as they can use the internet. On the contrary, only people near the store can buy our product if we chose traditional way. Maketing online:
We have many reasons to chose this maketing channel.
1. It’s very convinient.Because online shop can open twenty hours, people can buy our product at anytime.
2. It reduces number of traditional middlemen, so it can save much of our cost.
3. Goods online is more cheap when compared with goods in the real store.So we can sell much more our product.
Phone Agency Company Negotiation Plan
Our company :
Our company was established on April 20, 2000, mainly engaged in mobile voice, data,
IP telephony and multimedia services. In addition to providing basic voice services, it also offers mobile phone sales agents, IP phones and other value-added data services, with "Global", "M-Zone", "Shen Zhou Xing" and other well-known customer brands.
Opponent company :
Samsung Group is South Korea”s largest conglomerate, has sales outlets in many countries and regions, businesses involved in electronics, finance, machinery, and many other fields, in the international market highlights prowess.
2. Theme
Cooperate with each other to obtain, at a reasonable price to buy 5000 mobile phone, customized technical guidance and after-sales service and reasonable time.
3. Team members
Leader:Gao Tiaoqin Main negotiator:Yan Bin
Assist negotiator:Huang Mengmeng Legal advisor:Jia Miao
Financial advisor:Gao Tiaoqin
Analysis of opponent negotiating team members
Guo Xvru:good reaction force(Leader, Assist negotiator) Chen Jiali:calm(Legal advisor)
Zhao Yajing:strong observation ability(Financial advisor) Zhang Najuan:good at debating(Main negotiator)
4. Negotiation situation analysis
Our advantages :
1) Good operating performance and great development potential
2)As a buyer, we have the initiative in the choice of cooperation companies.
The opponent’s advantages:
Tough brand strength , multi-service network。
Our disadvantages:
Since the machine is customized contracts, time-consuming, it is difficult to profit in a short time.
The opponent’s advantages:
Initial negotiations with us,not familiar with the market.
5. Negotiation goals
1).The highest goal: Opponent company can allow us to take installments, with the lowest price to buy..
2).Acceptable goal:Establish long-term partnership, cooperation and win-win。 3).The lowest goal:Price cannot be higher than the market price
6.Negotiation agenda:
To reach the opponent company on June 25, for a period of two days。 The first day (visit, preliminary negotiations) 9:00-10:00 visit the Samsung mobile phone company 10:00-11:00 visit the major sales outlets
15:00-16:00 sales staff of opponent company introduce mobile phone sales, preliminary negotiations related matters The next day.
9:00-10:00 subject of negotiations we proposed. 10:00-11:30 accept each other hospitality. 14:00-16:00 reach final negotiations. 21:00 left.
7.Negotiation strategies
1. Start negotiating strategies
2. By using negotiation, positive language to make a statement, make each other feel good for one”s own, so that negotiations commence negotiations in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.
3. Interim Strategy and Analysis negotiations
(1) Highlight the advantages of a buyer”s market:
(2) When we make the appropriate concessions, remember to request return.
(3) Using diversionary tactics to deal with opponent’s strategies,our main goal is to achieve low-cost purchase.
(4) Emphasize the success of our agreement to the other benefits of both hard and soft at the same time, if the other party fails implied agreement with us will be a huge loss.
8. Emergency plan
1. How to handle a deadlock during negotiations.
Strategies: First impasse main topic set aside, first discuss some minor issues. When necessary permissions to use the limited number of strategies and tactics to wait and see.
2. If negotiations to find each other really well, but there is still room for bargaining on price. How will we hold.
Response: For the price we must adhere to the bottom line not to give way, first with large quantities of orders made chips hold each other, if the other party is not willing to make concessions on price, we can ask each other to provide better on the other side of the original price, excellent after-sales service to ensure that the interests of the company.

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