手機:M版 分類:求職信 編輯:小景
To Willian Wang, Department of General Affairs
From Eirc Liu, Director of Personnel
Subject Work Transfer
Date July 15, 2001
I think, Mr. Wang, the Director of your Department has already talked to you about the change in your work. We have arranged to appoint you as section supervisor in the Security Department at a salary of US$ a month (20% increase) as from Tuesday, August 1, 2001. In your new post, you will be responsible to Mr. Francis Yang for the work of night shift employees in the department.
Your eight years of loyal service in the General Affairs Department have been appreciated by the leadership of the company. Your transfer is completely due to the need of company. You have known that many thefts have recently taken place that have caused heavy losses to our company. We trust that with your appointment to this post, the security work will be greatly strengthened.
Please write to confirm that you will accept this appointment

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