手機:M版 分類:精彩小小說 編輯:得得9
The lava at the crater`s centre had looked harmless enough as we had driven in.Now,it had burst into life,throwing up fountains of molten rock high into the air.Jameson turned around in his seat.
‘Not to worry!`he shouted.‘It won`t reach us here.We`re sticking to the edge until we reach the north wall.We leave the crater there and head down to a ski resort called Piano Provenzana.There`s transport there to take us to Linguaglossa.I`ve got a car waitng at Linguaglossa that should get us to Taormina in good time for your fishing trip.`
I had begun to enjoy the natural‘firework`display when I noticed that Jameson kept looking in the driving mirror.
‘We`ve got a tail-another jeep close behind us.In all this light from the fireworks,I`m pretty sure I know who.It`s Filippo Gela,Lippari`s lieutenant-one of the best “hit”men to crawl out of the slums of Palermo.`
He tossed a pistol into the back of the jeep.
‘I`m going to try to lose him.Get down on the floor and hang on.The gun`s a “Magnum”-not a toy!I`ll tell you if I want you to use it.`
I could see nothing out of the back of the jeep because of the canvas cover,but I threw myself to the floor just as we lurched forward into a wild swerve.I coud feel that we were travelling downhill.The bumping got worse and the increasing sensation of speed more frightening .
Ash started to rain down on the canvas above me.Suddenly,it burst into flame and hot rock splattered the floor around.Jameson had gone mad!I eased myself off the floor,Jameson had gone.The driver`s seat was empty!I could see nothing ahead but fountains of molten lava!The canvas at the back of the jeep was already burning.I flung myself through it.
I landed in hot,soft ash.Before I could move,there was a roar in my ears and a wave of heat shot over me.The jeep had exploded!
I had to get away from the heat.Hot ash and small rocks were scorching my skin and burning my clothes.I staggered upwards towards the rim.Was there a boat at Taormina(33) Could I make it to Palermo and hope that someone would believe my story(35)
2,burst into life:突然有了生命。
3,throwing up fountains of molten rock high into the air:熾熱的石塊像噴泉般高高地射向天空。
4,stick to :堅持;edge:邊緣;wall:牆一般的崖壁。
5,head down to a ski resort called Piano Provenzana:下山到達一個叫皮亞諾·普羅文扎諾的滑雪場。
6,I`ve got a car waitng at··· that should get us :我搞了輛車在林瓜羅薩等着,那輛車會帶我們及時趕到陶爾米納送你上漁船。a car有兩個定語:waitng at和定語從句that should get us···,關係代詞that在從句中作主語。
7,firework display :焰火表演,燃放煙花。when:突然,就在那時。driving mirror:(汽車)後視鏡。
8,pretty sure:相當地確定。“hit”men :“成功”人士。此處用引號有特殊意義。crawl out of the slums:從平民窟爬出來。
9,tossed a pistol into:扔過來一支手槍。
10,try to lose him:想法甩掉他。
11,Get down on the floor and hang on:趴在車底板上,抓緊扶手。
13,because of:由於,因為;because of是介詞,後接名詞或名詞性短語;because 是連詞,後接句子;canvas cover:帆布頂篷。
14,just as:正當;lurched forward into a wild swerve:急轉彎而向一側傾斜。lurch:突然傾斜,搖晃; swerve:轉彎,突然轉向。
15,bumping got worse···the increasing sensation of speed more frightening :顛簸更加厲害,感到車速越來越快,也越加令人恐懼。
16,Ash started to rain down :火山灰開始雨點般落下。
17,burst into flame:着火。splatter:(液體)飛濺,濺落。go mad:發瘋,發狂。
18, ease··· off:把······輕輕移開。had gone:不見了。
19,I flung myself through it:我飛身穿越火焰,(躍出車外)。fling:投擲;it:指火焰。
21,move:移動,動彈。roar:呼嘯,巨響; a wave of heat shot over me:一波熱浪蓋過了我。explode; 爆炸。
22,scorch:燒焦,灼傷。stagger:(步履蹣跚/搖搖晃晃地)走。upwards:向上; towards:向前;
23,make it to:到達,及時趕到。
【驚險懸疑小說】紅玫瑰追殺令29 範文推薦:

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