分類:初二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
Name of the book: Black Beauty
Author: Anna Sewell
Brief introduction of the book:
When Black Beauty was only a young horse, his mom telled him to be patient to people. They lived with Farmer Grey at the time. As years went by, Black Beauty got older and older. His living place moved for several times. He soon found that his new keepers weren”t as kind as Farmer Grey.
He had new friends, but he was also in some sad situations, such as having a bad sick. His last keepers were Joe and Ellen. And they said they would never sell him. After that, he got happier, and was brave to the world.
People are good and kind to you or not, that isn”t the most important thing in your life. Exactly, you should be friendly to others at first. No matter if someone gives you a cold welcome. As we”ve grown up, we should experience more different things, although they sometimes might seem like puzzles for us. We”d better learn from Black Beauty. If you run through stormy seas, you”ll see the rainbow at last. And if you do, you”ll soon realize,”I did more than I can be! ”
[By the way: 英語閱讀報告,Brief introduction(主要內容)部分為自己概括,Comments相當於讀後感了。希望過來人指教些更好的主要內容概括方法.Thanks]
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