分類:四年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
agreatfulheart 標籤:rules作文 waitfor作文 聖誕party作文 birthday作文
I Was born by chance just Iike the dust.
Who ever sees saw my flimsiness families?
Where did Icome from and where will I go?
Who will call myname next moment?
The world is big though I have a hard way to go.
I see all the pains of rough and trouble.
How muuch much love is left?
How much tear is remained?
God please know that I won,
A Greatful Heart for having you.
To be with me make me brave to be myself.
A Greatful Heart for destiny.
I will cherish everything you give.
agreatfulheart 作文推薦:
agreatfulheart 暫無評論相關作文
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