分類:初二作文 字數:1600字 編輯:pp958
The festival opened on Wednesday with the Hong Kong martial arts epic Seven Swords and runs until 10 September.
There are 19 films up for competition, including Goodnight and Good Luck directed by Clooney, Paltrow”s Proof and Terry Gilliam”s The Brothers Grimm.
Security has been tightened in the wake of last month”s bomb blasts in London.
Damon will appear in the Italian city to promote The Brothers Grimm, in which he stars.
Other films vying for the prestigious Golden Lion include The Constant Gardener, starring Ralph Fiennes, the Kate Winslet musical Romance and Cigarettes, and Ang Lee”s western Brokeback Mountain.
However, film-makers from Spain and Latin America have voiced their displeasure that no titles from their countries are included in the main line-up.
Oscar-winning art director Dante Ferretti chairs this year”s competition jury, which includes German director Edgar Reitz and the American producer Christine Vachon.
As she launched her latest movie, The Fine Art of Love - Mine Haha, in Venice, actress Jacqueline Bisset attacked the attitudes of women who "viciously" exploit each other.
"The film is about the exploitation of women, by men and also by women, which is what I find most shocking," she said.
In the Orizzonti (Horizons) section, pop star and actress Bjork makes her big-screen comeback in experimental film Drawing Restraint 9, directed by her husband Matthew Barney.
The Icelandic singer won the best actress award at the Cannes Film Festival five years ago but has not acted again until now.
Tim Burton”s animated feature The Corpse Bride, Cameron Crowe”s romantic comedy Elizabethtown and Russell Crowe”s biopic Cinderella Man will screen out of competition.
Italian actress Stefania Sandrelli and the Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki will be presented with special Golden Lion awards.
The festival will close with Perhaps Love, the first musical to be produced in China in 40 years.
martial arts: any of several Oriental arts of weaponless self-defense(武術)
in the wake of : (尾隨,緊跟)
voice: to give utterance or expression to(發表;講出)
biopic :(名人傳記)
在本屆電影節的地平線單元中,世界流行歌壇、影壇兩棲明星比約克將復出,在她丈夫導演的前衛實驗電影《Drawing Restraint 9》中出演主角。
第62屆威尼斯電影節閃亮登場 作文推薦:

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