on self-esteem_500字
分類:高三作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
on self-esteem 標籤:myself作文 remember作文 theseason作文 thestars作文
self esteem, also called self respect, is the respect we have for ourselves, for our belief in our ability and in the value of what we do. self-esteem makes us independent in our thoughts and actions. it makes us feel confident that we can do things well and maybe even better the next time. it is an important quality we must have if we want to achieve success in whatever we do.
the degree of self esteem varies from person to person. people with high self esteem believe that they can finish whatever they have started. for example, they are active in class and can express their ideas clearly. they are the people who are likely to succeed in their lives. those with middling self-esteem are like those with high self esteem, but they are not so sure of their own value. those with low self esteem, however, have many problems. they are sad most of the time. they are afraid to start activities. they feel that no one loves them. they cannot express their ideas properly. in discussions, they listen but do not talk because they are afraid that they may say something wrong and may be laughed at. they are the people who need attention the most.
so in order to get more self esteem to live a successful life, we must firstly realize its importance. we should also seize every chance to practice gaining more self-esteem. we hope that we would have enough self-esteem so that we may have more chances to succeed in this competitive world. in the meantime, we should help those with low self esteem to have more self respect and confidence in whatever they do.
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