分類:高三作文 字數:450字 編輯:pp958
agony 標籤:goodbye作文 tenyears作文
Ocassionally it occurs to me that I am not in the mood of focusing on my work. I am aware of the fact that consulting is the best way to earn a living to make both ends meet. My partner can afford my daily expense, but it is undoubtedly that I should save some pocket money in case of unexpected cash needs. Unfortunately even the reward doesn't add to my happiness nor trigger any motivation.
Perhaps I need some time to unwind from work. Physically exhaustion compounds with the stress of work. I should reduce my stress levels in order not to be overwhelmed.
I am not feeling social all the time. I wonder whether I am a burder to you. I don't feel like to sharing my status with others, even when someone asks, I just try to give and abbreviated version. Sometimes I cannot make the words come out right. I fail to muster up a smile.
Some group numbers tend to maker decisions about medications without talking to a therapist. I believe that's why they are still seriously depressed.
Medication is helping to keep the edge off. I believe it. Therefore I turn to medication when it is necessary.
Will there be any postive changes in my life? I am looking forward to it as well as doubting the possibility. I don't have a strong support network.
I played the Game Depression Quest, even the best ending is not so pleasant with the character knowing that the battle is never going to be over.
agony 作文推薦:
- ·gogogo!向零食“出發”!1100字
- ·“go、go、go!”瘋狂的勞動700字
- ·gogogo冒險吧~(1)500字
- ·henny penny母雞潘妮600字
- ·tenyearsago明星夢第二1100字
- ·tenyearsago明星夢第三900字
- ·tenyearsago明星夢第一400字
- ·tenyeasago明星夢人物介800字
- ·war=wail+agony+r831字
- ·many good teachs300字
- ·agony450字
- ·whenyousaygoodbe400字
- ·gogo怎麼了(看圖作文)400字
- ·agoodbookisagood200字
- ·agoodteacher,ago400字
- ·五年級英語作文:agoodboo100字
- ·goingonline400字
- ·gogo加油(二)1300字
- ·go!go!夜!300字
- ·gogo加油(一)700字
- ·消防go!go!500字
- ·itissunnyandhott100字
- ·todayisrainy100字
- ·sunnyday(考場作文)250字
- ·初三英語作文:一個下雨天(a r400字
- ·六年級英語作文:afunnywe200字
- ·the sunny weathe250字
- ·myfriendyuanyuan200字
- ·believeinyoursel300字
- ·初一英語作文:believein200字
- ·交學費400字
- ·準確的定位500字
- ·命運是自己掌握的600字
- ·解釋300字
- ·心情不好保持沉默450字
- ·分道揚鑣450字
- ·不同的朋友800字
- ·記得450字
- ·學會百堅不摧300字
- ·成長450字
- ·遺憾300字
- ·跑題2300字
- ·永遠的傷疤450字
- ·喜悅300字
- ·理解400字
- ·狼牙山五壯士讀後感作文 音符作文
- ·挺住作文 我心目中的英作文
- ·愛的表達作文 暗示作文
- ·突然間作文 火龍果作文
- ·無名英雄作文 考試的反思作文
- ·家鄉的環境作文
- ·可愛的狗作文
- ·狗年作文
- ·夢一場作文
- ·銀杏樹作文400字
- ·升旗儀式作文200字
- ·《小兵張嘎》作文900字 讀書感悟作文
- ·過後作文600字 小動物作文700字
- ·我喜愛的作文900字 我的錯誤作文
- ·美味作文450字 才知道作文800字
- ·自由作文400字 博士作文600字
- ·春天的足跡作文450字