the young is a kind of capital_250字
分類:高三作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
the young is a kind of capital 標籤:thank you作文 theend作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文
In some seniors' eyes, the young men are untested and their age is unsustainable some important missions. I can't agree with the opinion, I think the young just a kind of capital.
First, the young represents energy, maybe they fail, but they can return and never give up. Young's just like fire can beat all of difficulties. Then the young represents hope, the old men always depart and the young men will come in. Our country always depend on they. Finally, every old person was a young person in the past, there is no person but make mistakes. The young need to go though and grow up.
The young is a kind of capital, they have time to let their dreams become true, they have chances to let their tomerrow become better and better.
the young is a kind of capital 作文推薦:

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- ·新年快樂450字
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