the benefits of reading_150字
分類:高三作文 字數:150字 編輯:pp958
the benefits of reading 標籤:parents作文 myparents作文 mymother作文 thestars作文
Books are the ladder of human progress. Only read good books, good books, you can get good knowledge. You said that? So, choose a good book is important! Reading good books can help you to improve yourself, forever. Read knowledge belongs to you, get the spiritual strength belongs to you. A good book will never deceive you, is your reliable friend forever. To read, read good books. Acquired a lot of knowledge, as you stand on the shoulders of giants!Come on! A good book belong to you! Isn't it?
the benefits of reading 作文推薦:
the benefits of reading 暫無評論相關作文
- ·thefourseasons400字
- ·to accomplish th500字
- ·the ways to keep150字
- ·初戀這件小事《you”re th500字
- ·letusgrowtogethe100字
- ·closetotheend300字
- ·abouther500字
- ·gotothezoo700字
- ·the laba festiva150字
- ·themostimportan534字
- ·my father50字
- ·theworldexpoin20250字
- ·myfather300字
- ·dream of the jou800字
- ·the past always 350字
- ·acardtotheteache100字
- ·motherlyandfathe600字
- ·thelifepastandno400字
- ·小學英語日記附教師評語-mymo500字
- ·inthenaturepark100字
- ·theseason200字
- ·thefunpicture200字
- ·mybrother100字
- ·初三英語作文:toexperie500字
- ·ontheinternet200字
- ·杭州之旅二:gotothezoo1900字
- ·theclevercrow200字
- ·there is no end 300字
- ·thefourseasons300字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·安居樂業400字
- ·喋喋不休如我400字
- ·萬物復蘇350字
- ·風景400字
- ·青春時光450字
- ·相處300字
- ·夜深,人未眠300字
- ·不敢輕易去唱的歌500字
- ·公正客觀地認識自己450字
- ·雲夢300字
- ·一場荒誕的夢400字
- ·再見,我的20151600字
- ·極具魅惑的圖書館450字
- ·這樣的孤獨450字
- ·一個奇怪的夢450字
- ·星緣作文 做蛋糕作文
- ·鬆手作文 告別初中生活作文
- ·綠豆發芽記作文 珍惜一切作文
- ·我讀書,我快樂作文 質量作文
- ·幸福校園作文 地震無情人有情作文
- ·假如我有翅膀作文
- ·落雁作文
- ·軍訓生活作文900字
- ·七彩仙女作文
- ·拉麵作文
- ·煮酒論英雄作文
- ·家鄉的風作文450字 因為作文700字
- ·有時作文1000字 讀《水滸傳》有感400字
- ·指尖作文600字 小蟲作文
- ·那一縷春風作文 早戀作文400字
- ·櫻花樹下作文 號角作文
- ·我戰勝了膽怯作文300字