分類:高一作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
On May 1st,I,,together with some others went to Animal Rescue Center to do some volunteer work.
On our arrival,we got down to deliwering food to the stray animals in no time ,which delighted those poor little things very much.And later we helped to clean the center,especially the cages ,to make a clean and fresh home for all the stray animals .Everying having been down.We played with those animals ,as it is more to rescuing animals than just feeding them,after all they,llike humans have emotions ,too.
Our coming got a warm welcome .As for me ,not only had have the satisfaction of helping rescuing stray animals but also i had an unforgettable and meaningfull experience,which will,in reward,enrichesmy own life.
新聞稿 作文推薦:

- ·新聞稿200字
- ·開學典禮200字
- ·110周年校慶450字
- ·話說穿着打扮300字
- ·話說寶玉300字
- ·醜話說在後頭800字
- ·讀懂一本書1000字
- ·讀懂堅持800字
- ·讀懂感動1200字
- ·一次讓心靈長大的家長會1400字
- ·要知道,你該長大了350字
- ·我的脆弱在長大900字
- ·生活,長大700字
- ·慢慢長大450字
- ·長大之男同學500字
- ·水鄉之旅作文 一棵小草作文
- ·考試的心情作文 小竅門作文
- ·家鄉的橋作文 我的小升初作文
- ·聖誕聯歡會作文 望海作文
- ·一個美好的夢作文 空中作文
- ·蘇通大橋作文
- ·母愛無涯作文
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- ·滑雪記作文
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- ·哦,我明白了作文
- ·櫻桃作文400字 小實驗作文600字
- ·狐狸精作文700字 一堂課作文900字
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- ·曾經的作文350字 足跡作文600字
- ·鬧元宵作文450字