分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
Last weekend,I went to Beijing Wildlife Park to pay a vist .Never before in my life have i met some wild animals face to face.
What features this park is that wolves or lions are wandering around in nature while we humans can only stay inside the bus,watching those animals through iron bars.Of course for those good-tempered animals,including deer and monkeys ,we were allowed to play with them.And feeding them was fun to us ,as well. Much to our delight,we had the chance to watch splendid anlmal performance and visisted the educational exhibition of endangered animals which enhanced our awareness of wildlife protection.
We had a very good time this weekend.And everyone agrees that this park is a place definitely worth visiting again.

- ·開學典禮200字
- ·110周年校慶450字
- ·話說穿着打扮300字
- ·話說寶玉300字
- ·醜話說在後頭800字
- ·讀懂一本書1000字
- ·讀懂堅持800字
- ·讀懂感動1200字
- ·一次讓心靈長大的家長會1400字
- ·要知道,你該長大了350字
- ·我的脆弱在長大900字
- ·生活,長大700字
- ·慢慢長大450字
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- ·長大之獎學金500字
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